Small changes can make a Big difference

Small changes can make a big difference 

New Year’s has passed two months ago, and like most people, we were looking to the new year to make some changes… hopefully for the better. When it comes to our appearance, most of us want to lose body fat and be healthier, but starting out can seem overwhelming. So it’s already March and if you have not done much to make changes, perhaps I can help you break it down and make some improvements.

I will help you break it down in a few steps. First of all, just making the effort to recognize your need to make a change is the first step… so if you are reading this, well done - you are on your way.


If you have not been doing anything physical, now is the time to start. Waiting for all the lights to be green before you start is not an option if you are really serious. Since proper nutrition is a big part of getting into shape, have you made any positive changes?


Starting with breakfast, get rid of high sugar cereals. Look for better options such as oatmeal and find a protein you like, making sure you balance out the meal with all food groups: protein, carbs and fat.


Set a goal for how many hours you can realistically devote to working out and commit to it. Your health depends on it! Break down your allocated time between strength training and cardio: 50 / 50 split is a good start. It’s your life, your health and you are the master of your destiny. You can’t control your genetics but you certainly can control your nutrition and exercise. 

Here is a small list of things you can do to make a change today.


1. Count your calories. There are many apps that can help you do this pretty accurately.

2. If you have not been doing any Cardio, start with 10 minutes 3 times a week.

3. Start doing some form of strength training, whether body weight or dumbbells / machines.

4. Start doing something outdoors: walking, bicycling, running. Being outdoors will help you get some vitamin D from the sun and just feel good.

5.Eat some vegetables. Filling up on some good vegetables at each meal instead of simple carbohydrates and sweets can promote quicker weight loss.

6. Get some sleep. Getting some sleep can help with major progress towards your health goals.

7. Cut back on sugar consumption. Excess sugar is linked to weight gain.

 Now start making those changes TODAY!

Gavin Jordan